DATA PRIVACY & COMPLIANCE Ervin Daniels todayFebruary 25, 2020 95 2
A typical attack mechanism for cybercriminals is Ransomware. This attack vector will continue in 2020, and business should be concerned. A ransomware attack can cost an organization plenty. The risk of Ransomware reduces if employees knew how to detect phishing attacks. Protecting your organization by building a security awareness program will mitigate the risk of a zansomware attack.
People store, process, and transfer information just like computers. Organizations should do more about protecting this “human” operating system. The number one threat to people is social engineering. Very little has been done to protect against this threat; security awareness training is one of the most effective ways to address this problem. If your organization has no awareness program in place today, you may be asking how to get there? If you already have a plan in place, but it’s not working for you, you may be asking how do we improve?
The SANS Institute’s Security Awareness Roadmap is an excellent source in helping organizations getting started in developing a security awareness program. My recommendation is to check out this link below and take a look. Or, visit go to and search for Security Awareness.
Having a security awareness program in place can help your organization meet its legal, compliance, and audit requirements as well as reduce the risk of your organization from having a negative impact due to a ransomware attack.
Written by: Ervin Daniels
Cybersecurity Architect with over 25 years of Technology and Security leadership and hands-on experience across various industries (retail, public, financial services, and technology).
©2020 Ervin Daniels. Designed By Tru Brand Media Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of IBM.
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