DATA PRIVACY AND COMPLIANCE Ervin Daniels todayJanuary 21, 2020 216 1
Install anti-virus & anti-malware software and keep all computer software patched. Update operating systems, applications, and anti-malware/virus software regularly.
The software can include flaws that would ultimately allow an attacker to exploit vulnerable systems, which would allow the threat actor to monitor or control the endpoint you use. To limit these vulnerabilities, make sure that you follow the instructions provided by software vendors and apply the latest software updates, security patches, and fixes. Anti-malware/virus protection should be installed and kept up to date. Stay protected and safe.
Written by: Ervin Daniels
Cybersecurity Architect with over 25 years of Technology and Security leadership and hands-on experience across various industries (retail, public, financial services, and technology).
©2020 Ervin Daniels. Designed By Tru Brand Media Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of IBM.
Seun on March 3, 2020
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